Ask any new parent
about traveling with a baby and they will tell you what a hassle it can be. Even a quick trip to the nearby store can seem like you're packing for a three-month vacation! Not only do you have to have the baby's diapers and other accessories handy, you also need to pack up the stroller and get the car seat ready. The Eddie Bauer Adventurer Travel System does away with all this and more by combining two of the bulkiest aspects of baby travel - the stroller and the baby seat.
Multi Features
The Eddie Bauer Adventurer Travel System has a wide range of special features that are sure to please both the adults and the little ones. It can easily be folded or set up using just one hand. The seat itself also comes with a number of reclining options including a full-recline position. It also comes with a five point harness system as well as a three-section canopy and a covered window. There is a snack tray for the little one, complete with extra-large cup holder. Parents aren't ignored in this aspect either- there is also a parent tray that is built into the handle of the stroller. This accommodates two drinks and has covered storage space as well.
In terms of safety, the Travel System has a self-locking feature as well as front comfort ride shocks. The wheels on the stroller are both sturdy and safe, with the front wheels having a width of 8.5" while the back tires are 9.5". Full body infant insert can be used with both the stroller as well as the car seat. The Travel System can be used for infants as well as toddlers.
A Long Lasting Option
The Eddie Bauer Adventurer Travel System is not a short-term product- in fact; many customers have found it to be going strong even after four years of hard use. It is the ideal accessory to take along on picnics, outings or car drives. The entire Travel System is also lightweight, despite the fact that it has so many special features. This is especially helpful, since lugging around heavy baby equipment can tire anyone really fast! Apart from that, the apparatus is also easy to clean and fold away when it's not in use.
The Eddie Bauer Adventurer Travel System is also the perfect gift item for people who would like to give new parents a gift they can really use. A lot of new parents might not have the resources to invest in a Travel System themselves - you can be sure that this will be one gift they will really appreciate! Since the car seat has different height adjustments, it can literally grow along with the baby! Not only is it durable and convenient, they won't have to invest in a separate stroller or car seat. If they like to travel, they can take the little one along without having to worry about lugging around lots of heavy baby equipment. The Eddie Bauer Adventurer Travel System makes travel with the baby, a safe and pleasant experience
Eddie Bauer Adventurer Travel System - Makes Travel A Treat!
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on Rabu, 17 Juni 2009
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